Winter - December to March
Early purple sprouting broccoli, bulging brussel sprouts, mottled blue and deep green cabbages, romanesco, kale, celeriac still, swedes and turnips, fatter leeks now, fatter beetroot too, and no doubt some funny shaped parsnips, really dirty juicy carrots, onions, big baking potatoes, and fluffy roasters, all the veg you need for soups, stews and comfort food.
Spring - March to June
Still plenty of winter staples with the full flush of sprouting broccoli, then spring greens and later sweethearted cabbage, young leaves and shoots, including green and red batavia, maybe the first beetroot with their leaves and broad beans small enough to eat in the pod, big ribbed rainbow chard and the first pungent spring onions.
Summer - July to September
Early potatoes, broad beans, green onions, baby beetroot and pink and golden, carrots with tops, sweet summer turnip, pale green and red kohlrabi, buttery cabbages, broccoli heads, cauliflower white and green, blue-black cavalo nero, crunchy celery and myriad lettuces.
Autumn - September to December
Main crop potatoes, chunky beetroot, fat carrots, turnips, heavy cabbages, cauliflower and broccoli, romanesco, royal purple kohlrabi, curly green, frilly red and purple veined kale, sentry leeks, scented fennel and earthy parsnips, knobbly celeriac and tall celery.
At Newfields Organics we only sell what we grow and all our produce is Certified Organic by the Soil Association.
They are mostly hand weeded and picked to order thus ensuring maximum freshness for our customers.
We grow all year round, naturally with the season and are of course weather dependent but vegetables we produce include:



Brussel Sprouts



Curly Kale


Kohl Rabi



Rainbow Chard

Red & Green Lettuce

Red Cabbage



White Turnips